Curated theme: The relevance of addressing language endangerment for attaining the SDGs

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In general, addressing language endangerment enables the providing of information and services in the native languages of communities, and thereby help in attaining the Sustainable Development Goals. The objective of addressing language endangerment is to maintain languages and prevent language extinction, which, then, provides the opportunity to produce information relevant to the objectives of the SDGs in the native languages of each community. This in turn allows the people whom the SDGs concern the opportunity themselves to influence matters and to contribute to achieving the SDGs.

Addressing language endangerment

Language Endangerment

Language Revitalization

Goals of Revitalization

Language documentation and description

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development goals

The following are among the SDGs that are most directly influenced by addressing language endangerment:

Sustainable Development Goal 3

Sustainable Development Goal 4

Sustainable Development Goal 5

Sustainable Development Goal 10

Sustainable Development Goal 13

Sustainable Development Goal 16