Sustainable linguistics course

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'Sustainable linguistics' was an MA course at the University of Helsinki. It was an elective course within the MA degree programme Linguistic Diversity and Digital Humanities[1], lectured by Stef Spronck.

The course consisted of lectures and weekly working group sessions during which the various parts of this Wiki were developed within the following assignments:

Wiki assignment week 0[edit | edit source]
Wiki assignment week 1[edit | edit source]
Wiki assignment week 2[edit | edit source]

Language Endangerement

  • Group A: Definitions, approaches to and classifications of language endangerment
  • Group B: The current state of endangered languages in the world, its causes and problems associated with this

Language Revitalization

  • Group C: Academic models and approaches to language revitalisation
  • Group D: Concrete examples of language revitalisation projects, with a special focus on the leaders and goals of these
Wiki assignment week 3[edit | edit source]

Ecologies of language

  • Group A: The symbolic ecology of language
  • Group B: The natural ecology of language
  • Group C: The sociocultural ecology of language
  • Group D: The cognitive ecology of language
Wiki assignment week 4[edit | edit source]

Wiki assignments week 5 and 6[edit | edit source]

Please update the Wiki globally: resolve stubs (expanding or moving underdeveloped pages), add comments in the comment sections, create pages and links that you think are currently still missing. Special pages that might be useful for this purpose are the Random page (pull up a random page and check if the page needs updating, has bullet points that could be new links and/or are links to pages that have not yet been created and/or if you have any comments on the content of the page that could be discussed), Dead-end pages (pages that do not link to any other page; could you add further links?), Pages with the fewest revisions (could you add a few more?) and Orphaned pages (pages that are not linked; currently there are no such pages, but when people create new pages there might be some). Short pages might need expansion. You can find them easily through the page Short pages. If there are very long pages, it might also be useful to split these into multiple pages, so that there will be more cross-links in the Wiki. You can easily find the longest pages by clicking on the special page Long pages. If you have done all this and haven't found anything to work on, please check if any of the other Special pages can give you any new ideas.

Final assignment (creating a 'curated theme')[edit | edit source]

Example page