Curated theme: Language, well-being, and the environment - sustainability from indigenous linguists' perspective

From Sustainable linguistics
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This page attempts to show some examples of indigenous researchers' work in linguistics on the relation between language, well-being, and the environment. The aim is to highlight how these studies can be applied in creating and working towards a more sustainable linguistics.

Sustainable linguistics

Sustainable linguistics (definition)

Sustainability in linguistics

The natural ecology of language

Sustainable Development Goal 4 - Quality education

Relation between language, well-being, and the environment

Understanding of ecology in other fields

Sustainable Development Goal 3 - Good health and well-being
Sustainable Development Goal 10 - Reduced inequalities

  • Participation in one's own language, dialect, variety, idiolect - without stigmas

Sustainable Development Goal 13 - Climate action

Sustainable Development Goal 15 - Life on land

  • Connection between biological and language diversity
Suggestions for a more sustainable linguistics