Curated theme: Metaphorical parallels between biology and linguistics

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This page is curated specifically to tie together pages which explore the metaphorical parallels between biology and linguistics.

Central concepts in Haeckel’s ecology and in Haugen’s 'ecology of language’ (Eliasson, 2015: 86)

Language Ecologies

Ecologies of language


Language Sustainability


Sustainability in linguistics

Linguistics and sustainability

Academic Linguistic Practices and the Environment

Academic models and approaches to language revitalisation


Language Endangerment

Language Endangerment

Language Revitalization

Language documentation and description

Concrete examples of language revitalisation projects, with a special focus on the leaders and goals of these

Suggested readings:

Einar Haugen (1906-1994)

Haugen, E. I., & Chapman, K. G. (1982). Spoken Norwegian (3rd ed.). Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Haugen, E. I. (1953). The Norwegian language in America : a study in bilingual behavior. Vol. 1, The bilingual community. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Haugen, E. I. (1953). The Norwegian language in America : a study in bilingual behavior. 2, The American dialects of Norwegian. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Haugen, E. I. (1966). Language conflict and language planning : the case of modern Norwegian. Harvard University Press.

Haugen, E. I., & Dil, A. S. (1972). The ecology of language : essays. Stanford University Press.

Haugen, E. (1987). Blessings of Babel : bilingualism and language planning : problems and pleasures. M. de Gruyter.


Sapir, E. (1912). Language and Environment. American Anthropologist, 14(2), 226–242.

Halliday, M. A. K. (Michael A. K., & Webster, J. (2003). On language and linguistics. Continuum.